Jesus, Her Friend Poetry Paperback Autographed by Raymond A. Wolf 2016
Helen O. Larson wrote her first poem at the age of 12 in 1922 and her last one at the age of 94 in 2005. Jesus, Her Friend is the sixth book in the Gramma Larson Remembers series. This is the author's answer to his customers' question as to when he was going to publish a book containing her inspirational poems. Chapter one - Dates Unknown records all of Gramma's poems about her friend Jesus that were not dated. They are all listed alphabetically. Chapter Two - The 1970s seems to be when she started dating her poems and are now presented in order by date. Chapter Three - The 1980s; her writing becomes more frequent. Chapter Four - The 1990s finds Gramma living alone except for her friend Jesus. Chapter Five - The 2000s escorts her into her 90s. Her writing had slowed considerably. Whenever possible the author has included copies of Gramma's original hand written poems.