Shirley, His Only Love, As told by John E. O'Hara Autographed by Raymond A. Wolf 2015
Shirley, His Only Love is a story about a liftime love affair. It began as a passing glance on a sidewalk in Providence, Rhode Island in the late summer of 1948. John gives a history of growing up, joining the Navy, and being discharged. As a civilian he moved to New York City to follow his dream of being a photo engraver. Not being able to join the local union, fate brings him back to Providence. This is where he eventually landed a job at the Providence Post Office. This would lead him to that fateful day he was sitting on the back dock as this beautiful girl walked by. They made eye contact and he had fallen in love. John also gives the history of Shirly growing up and what she liked to do as a young girl and a teen. Fate would also lead her to a job where every morning she would walk past the loading dock of the Providence Post Office. Then one morning she would make eye contact with one of the workers sitting on the dock. The following April they would be married. Together, they raised six boys. Over the years they bought a beach house in Point Judith, Narragansett, Rhode Island and spent their summers there. This love affair continued for fifty-four years until John's Shirley became sick. It was three months and nineteen days short of their fifty-fifth anniversary. Although Shirley has gone, John's love for her has not wavered. Included in this story are a number of rhymns John has written about his deepest feelings. He has dedicated the balance of his life to volunteering and giving lectures on his experiences in World War II. Book 2, World War II covers them.